
Martin J. Savage

Professor of Physics
PI: InQubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS)
Senior Fellow in the Institute for Nuclear Theory (on 5-year leave)


Quantum Simulations of Standard Model physics
Entanglement in many-body systems, neutrinos, and strong interactions
Lattice QCD for Nuclei
Effective Field Theories

Silas R. Beane

Professor of Physics
Co-PI: InQubator for Quantum Simulation


Entanglement in Few-Body Systems
Geometric Quantum Mechanics
Lattice Gauge Theory for Nuclear Physics
Effective Field Theory for Nuclear and Atomic Physics

Dorota Grabowska

Research Assistant Professor (2022-)

Quantum Simulations of Quantum Field Theories
Elementary Particle Physics

David B. Kaplan

Senior Fellow in the Institute for Nuclear Theory
Professor of Physics
Co-PI: InQubator for Quantum Simulation

dbkaplan@uw.edu | (206) 685-3546

Entanglement and Symmetries
Lattice gauge field theory for classical computing and quantum devices

Niklas Mueller

Research Assistant Professor (2022-)


Quantum Simulation and algorithms
Entanglement Structure and Tomography
Thermalization and Non-equilibrium phenomena
Topological Phases

Kenneth Roche

Affiliate Associate Professor
Staff Scientist @ PNNL


High Performance Computing
Quantum Monte Carlo
Fundamentals of Computing
Quantum many-body simulations

Xiaojun Yao

Research Assistant Professor (2022-)


Open quantum systems
Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theory
Quarkonia and jets in high energy collisions
Eigenstate thermalization

Postdoctoral Fellows

Marc Illa Subina

QSC Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-)


Quantum Simulations of the Standard Model Physics
Lattice Gauge Theories
Low-energy nuclear physics with lattice QCD
Simulation of entanglement in dense systems of neutrinos

Saurabh Vasant Kadam

FermiLab HEP QuantISED Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-)


Hamiltonian Formulation of Lattice Gauge Theories
Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theories

Francesco Turro

Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-)

Quantum Simulation of few-nucleon systems
SRF-cavity quantum simulations
Classical preparation of time-evolution operators


Jiunn-Wei Chen

Professor of Physics
National Taiwan University

Quantum Information for Fundamental Physics
Effective Field Theory

Robert Malaney

Professor of Engineering,
University of New South Wales, Australia

Quantum Communication and Security


Ramya Bhaskar

PhD student

Simulation of Quantum Spin Systems and Field Theories
Dense neutrino systems

Ivan Chernyshev

PhD student

Quantum Simulation
VQE for QCD Hamiltonian
Quantum simulations of neutrino flavor dynamics

Roland Farrell

PhD Student

Entanglement in QFT
Simulations of 1+1D QCD and Weak Decays

Henry Froland

PhD student


Quantum Simulation
Entanglement in Quantum Field Theory
Thermalization and Complexity
Random Measurement Protocols

Jeremy Hartse

PhD student


Quantum Information and Simulation
Quantum Many-Body Scars
Lattice Gauge Theories

Zhiyao Li

PhD Student

Quantum Information

Sarah Powell

Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theories

Quantum simulation of quantum field theories

Nikita Zemlevskiy

PhD student

Quantum Information
Quantum simulation of scalar field theories
Systematic error simulation for analog quantum simulation


Katie Hennessey

IQuS Administrator



Boris Blinov

Professor of Physics, UW


Trapped ion quantum computing and simulation

Deep Gupta

Professor of Physics, UW


"Ultra-Cold Atom and Quantum Gas Experiments
Quantum Dynamics and Simulation
Atom Interferometry"

Francesco Pederiva

Professor of Physics at the University of Trento,
and Director of TIFPA

Quantum Monte Carlo
Quantum many-body systems
Nuclei and reactions
Quantum Simulations of strongly-correlated systems
Simulations and predictions for Corona-Virus propagation

Caroline Robin

Professor in the Fakultät für Physik
Universität Bielefeld

Entanglement in Nuclear Structure
Quantum simulation of light nuclei

Liudmila Zhukas

Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University


Trapped Ion quantum computing
Quantum Simulation


Fabio Anza

Research Assistant Professor (2020-2022)
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland-Baltimore (2024-)


Quantum Thermodynamics
Quantum Information

Emma Beane

Visitor (Spring 2023)
Undergraduate, University of Chicago (2023-)

Quantum Information and Quantum Computing

Stephan Caspar

IQuS-FermiLab Quantized Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2023)

Bose-Einstein condensation
Chern-Simons-Yang-Mills lattice models

Anthony Ciavarella

IQuS-PhD Student (2017-2023)
Postdoctoral Fellow LBNL HEP

Quantum Simulation of Field Theories

Peter Ehlers

PhD Student (2017-2022)
Postdoctoral Fellow UofA (2023-)

Entanglement in QFT

Natalie Klco

Burke Postdoctoral Fellow at Caltech (2019-2022)
Assistant Professor of Physics, Duke University (2022-present)

Abhishek Rajput

Joint IQuS-Toronto PhD student (2018-2023)
PhaseCraft (UK) (2023-)

Quantum Simulation of field theories

Alessandro Roggero

Research Assistant Professor (2018-2021)
Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Trento

Quantum Simulation of inelastic nuclear processes
Neutrinos in dense matter
Quantum Computing and Algorithms
Quantum Monte Carlo
Effective Field Theory

Hersh Singh

FermiLab Quantized Postdoctoral Fellow (2020-2023)
Postdoctoral Fellow at FermiLab (2023-)


Spin Systems
Quantum Algorithms
Quantum Computing

Jesse Stryker

Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Maryland (2020-2023)
Postdoctoral Fellow at tLBNL HEP (2023-present)